Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Escapee From Toilet Break
The Escapee From Toilet Break
Probably inspired by the TV show “Prison Break”, Mas Selamat Kastari tried a toilet break almost 2 weeks ago and is still at large. In case you have not been to bus stops, own a handphone, read the newspapers, watch the news, here’s what he might look like now:Kinda weird when I saw the news on tvmobile saying the most wanted man in Singapore is still on the loose. Pity those who has to search for him everyday. What if this drags on man?
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9:25 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Back~~!!! Been so moody, busy and nothing much to blog about, thus the long absence. I'm still moody and busy (now with attachment) but got some stuffs to blog bah. But I think this will be a short stint too. =x
Hopefully can upload some videos at the end of the month. =D
So, went to the first day of my attachment today. Toopig http://www.streetdirectory.com/ says you need 1 hour 37 minutes to get there. So poor Benne woke up at 6am. and reached set off around 6.40am. He planned to reach early since it’s his first day but he ended up being 1 hour earlier!!!
Briefing lasted for about half an hour before they brought me to my department at 9am at the 35th Storey. And none of my colleagues in my section knew I was coming, except my financial manager who was at a meeting till 10am. So I read some magazines, got sleepy 5 minutes later and therefore decided to stone (Official army term for staring into space) until 10am. Financial manager came! But computer wasn’t set up and my user id and password wasn’t ready. Stoned for the next 3 hours….
After lunch, I continued my stoning for 1 more hour. (I’m pretty good in it sia. *smirkz) My colleague then decided to help me set up my computer. (I also dunno why dun wanna set up earlier sia) She taught me how to do some stuff and print from the system. I was like “YES!!!” got stuff to do liao. Ended up finishing in less than 10 minutes….. Printing got problems somemore but she said it’s normal to wait for awhile. So again, yahhh. Stone….. This time, it was tougher because I had to keep moving the mouse so that it doesn’t log off and I have to walk 6.82 metres away to call my pregnant colleague for her password. So there goes another hour~~ Finally went to her later and she decided to teach me some stuffs. (Again…. Why dun wanna teach earlier sia -.-“)
That sums up my sucky day.
Took this pic in the midst of stoning. Was hoping some birds would fly by
Didn't happen..
Some of my closer frens in poly:

From top left: K Boo, X Ang and errr... dunno who's the guy in red. =x
Wee wee and 印尼
Alien and Wee wee
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9:07 PM