Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
2 of My Fav Piano Pieces
Canon in C is the reason I want to learn piano & the 1st song I've learned. To Zanarkand is a very beautiful piano piece from Final Fantasy X.
Posted by
11:19 AM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Unfinished Pieces
Here are videos for 不能說的秘密 & Canon In D! Unfinished versions...
i think the level is too high for me right now.
Posted by
12:21 AM
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ride With Me & First Kiss
Finally can record videos! Quality very poor though, using my mom's Nokia 6600i. But much better than my current hp~
This is Jay Chou's Ride With Me & First Kiss (Also main tune of 蒲公英的约定) from the OST of Secret.
Hope to upload more in the next few weeks~
Posted by
1:27 PM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
My Very Thoughtful Colleagues
I received a total of 3 birthday presents on Friday from this wonderful clique of mine. In fact it’s like 4 because the birthday card is damn nice too! Thank you guys~ I don’t have pictures of the presents but here is the picture of the card I took from EteL.I guess this is what they call 傻人有傻福~
Posted by
9:30 PM
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sweet Memories
My short stint back in Army for my re-enlistment was rewarded with some unexpected sweet memories. I thought my life couldn’t be more worse when I first heard from my OC (Officer Commanding) that me & 2 other of my friends would be going to the Pioneer course as Assistant Instructors AKA 2nd in Command. Most people told me my 3 months back in Army would be full of sleeping or some guard/clerical duties. I expected worse but not to this extent of enduring the same shit I’ve experienced 3-4 years back.
There were definitely many tough moments during our course, but getting to know these men of mine certainly made the difference. I too, was and still am a man (ie. Not a commander). But my OC figured that we had the experience & could help out in the course since we were lacking in commanders too. And the experience of having your own men was different. With added responsibilities, I felt the extra need to help the, guide them, take care of them, etc. And they were very appreciative of little things I did too. On top of that, they were obedient, united, cute & funny too. I am also grateful to the Platoon Sergeant (PS), who took care of us and protected us from the kinds of stuff. I even like him more than my own NS PS. I think I’m starting to sound gay-ish already but here’s more. I bid them goodbye when I left & though most of these below are exaggerated, they still sound sweet nonetheless.
“Corporal, we will miss you. You must miss us too.”
“Corporal, don’t go lei. Extend ORD.”
“Corporal, we gonna report sick tomorrow for insomnia.”
“Corporal, can I give you a hug?”
I will definitely miss these guys. I certainly hope that I have made an impact in their lives as they have made mine…
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
I don’t usually disclose names in my blog, hence the Japanese names to keep this entry in case I get a mild Parkinson’s disease or something~
Posted by
9:30 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Some Of The “Superstars” I Allegedly Look Like
My friends claim that I look like the celebrities, which I SERIOUSLY beg to differ. Although I think I do resemble the last one a little…
Ben Yeo (1st from the right side): TV host in Singapore Mee Pok (Right side): TV character in Singapore comedy, Right Frequency

Yuki Masuyama: Taiwanese based singer

Takuya Kimura: Japanese Actor/Singer

The one about Sam Lee was kinda funny as I recall the conversation with my friend that goes roughly like this:
Friend: Hey you really look like the guy in Gen X Cops sia!
Me: Haha. Nicholas Tse?? 还好 only lah.
Friend: No lah the other guy.
Me: Stephen Fung?? Errr alright nia lah.
Friend: *Smirkz. No the other one.
Me: ………………………….
And being compared to Yuki was abit flattering despite the fact that I don’t really like him. Cause the person who remarked that I look like him was a fan of his. So… not bad lah hor~ Yep and looking like Takuya Kimura is of course the best compliment I’ve ever received~ That’s about it today yah!
Why are you squinting your eyes like that?!! Don’t look like Takuya Kimura meh?!! Fine~ I’m lying but go have a few pints of beer and come back here! You’ll see it!
Posted by
6:47 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
Does This Guy Look Model Material??
Yet, he was approached by an “Assistant Project Coordinator” AKA “Commission-Earning Personnel Hunting For Potentials”. He was stunned / puzzled / curious / flattered / skeptical /
He got home and typed the website given in the namecard, half hoping that he might not be that ugly if comparing to a bunch of uglier models in the website. Phooooo…. Boy was he wrong~
It’s not me by the way yah~
How he looks in longer hair:

With Facial Hair:

More Facial Hair:

Posted by
10:45 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009
What Decides The American Idol? (My Views)
I am gutted that 1 of my favourites, Matt Giraud is out of the competition. I knew he is not going to win it, but I had expected him to go after Allison Iraheta and Kris Allen. I don’t find them as good. There are a few factors I think decides the American Idol and here are the following~

2. Likeability – Looks, background & attitude.
- Danny Gokey has always got that smile on his face. His story of his late wife is sad. Always persists to his decisions of song choice despite the judges’ disapproval but still willing to learn.
- Adam Lambert is cool looking and has great dress sense. Rumours of him being gay might have swayed some votes. His attitude is great though. Very humble
- Matt looks good when he covers his forehead~ he has an ugly mole on his forehead and his hair is not appealing too. But he looks like Justin Timberlake apart from that. He has great dress sense like Adam and I love him behind the piano. His background is not very publicized like Danny and Adam, just as the other 2 contestants I’m mentioning below. His attitude is good too; always willing to listen to the judges and change.
- Allison is not very attractive. She does not dress well either. Her attitude is ok though but she always seem to crack unfunny jokes~
- Kris is well-liked mainly for his looks. He has a wife, so man-crazy fans might be turned off~ And he’s quite humble too. Not as confident as Danny or Adam.
3. Fans of Idols who got kicked out – Who will they support? Are they neutrals or will they support someone who is the good friend of their favourite, OR support who is the least fiercest rival of their favourite so that their idol would win
4. Town Size – That’s the size of your fanbase regardless of the above factors. Sure, there’ll be minority who look at the above factors but usually they would support their own species~ Imagine if it’s China VS Singapore. I think a China William Hung would win a Singapore David Cook~
Just my 2 cents worth~
Posted by
8:27 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
One of Britain’s Youngest Father At *GASP* 13 YEARS OLD!!!
OH MY GOSH!! Look at his face!! A kid having a kid!! Kids nowadays are so full of surprises~ And it says in the article that boys can impregnate a girl between 9-13 years old!! I am sensing it won’t be long before I hear a 9 year old father is out. At 9, I probably thought swallowing the opposite sex’s saliva caused pregnancy!! Much to the influence of Stephen Chow’s movie~ And this little boy doesn’t even know what “financial” means!! It means “DO NOT HAVE SEX AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE” you twit!!
Extracts are taken from:
And more controversies at:
What’s the world turning into~~?
Posted by
8:10 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Dragonball Evolution (The movie)
How weird is this? A Canadian actor whose name is going to be Goku?? And he’s gonna say the famous “ha me ha me ha”! I thought it would be something like “FIRE BALL GO!!” Either way, it’s freaking weird. I’m sure the actors get goosebumps calling each other’s names on the set.
“Hey Goku~”
“Wassup Bulma~”
Anyway, the movie’s villain is going to be the green monster, Piccolo so I’m expecting more sequels to come. Much as I expect this film to be a flop, I do hope it’s good cause I’m a Dragonball fan too~Watch trailer here :
Posted by
8:07 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
Me, My Job and The White Tigress
I have pretty much settled down in my new job I found last September, thanks to the nice colleagues I have in and outside my department. When I was in NCC, I used to dread going to the Army. I was thinking “If NCC already so shitty liao, NS how??!! DIE LIAO LAH!!” But 2 years went quickly~ Then when I was working part time, I always had to countdown to the end of the semester break. Life seems so bleak if you are going to have a job for life. Imagine counting down~ “Ok….35 more years to retirement. WOOO!”
But one factor that wasn’t considered in both situations is friends. With friends, I think it makes the journey much much easier.
But hey! Life’s not going to be that nice to me~ There’s a white tigress I have to give my report to every month. And she never fails to make things difficult for me. It is like my supervisor described “鸡蛋里挑骨头”, picking bones from an egg~Brooms and pails have been proved futile to kill the white tigress, evident by the attempt of the cleaner in Singapore Zoo. Suggestions, anyone??
Posted by
7:58 PM