I had 3 favourites during the auditions. They are Andrew Garcia, Lee Dewyze & Bryan Walker (The policeman). During Hollywood week, Andrew impressed me once again with his rendition of Paula Abdul’s Straight Up. Lee didn’t really impress and there were no footages of Bryan at all. But I had another favourite: Crystal Bowersox. So among my 4 favourites, 3 made it to the top 24. But despite all its hype, Season 9 haven’t got me anticipating for more yet. The 1 thing I saw this season was that there seemed to be more contestants who are willing to rearrange the songs and I like that~

The girls’ top 24 performance was kinda boring for me. There weren’t any standouts at all and some were unbearable to listen. Crystal was doing ok. I was surprised Simon Cowell said it’s going to be the girls’ year. The guys did much better, in my opinion. Andrew was not at his best, but was ok. And Lee is back to being 1 of my favourites again after that performance. The song wasn’t great but there was potential. I like that kind of husky rock voice similar to Chris Daughtry, David Cook, Nickelback & Creed.

I think having 4 judges confuses the contestants. What is the contestant gonna do with 4 different opinions that contradicts? I liked Ellen Degeneres during Hollywood week. I thought she was funny. Critics also said that she did great during Hollywood week but remarked that those clips were not ‘live’, so naturally we saw the best of her. Anything boring she might have said was not shown. It came true! I thought she was like Paula Abdul! Can’t stand her. I know the top 24 beat thousands of people to be there, but you don’t have to say everybody’s great after their performance! She did say in her own show “The Ellen Degeneres Show” that a live performance is totally different from listening to it at home. She refused to say the girls were horrible, but just ‘totally different & she would watch from home now to judge’. Haha. I do enjoy the occasional humour from her, but she’s too much like Paula.