Saturday, March 24, 2007


It reads serial killer on the cigarette

There is always something about somebody we don’t like, don’t we? Ok maybe you do like everything about me. (*smirks)

For smokers, I hate their selfishness. There are nice people I know who are smokers (Mr I.T, you are not one of them haha). But as I said again, everyone has flaws and it’s their selfishness I’m going to be talking about. I’m sure it’s a common knowledge that someone who inhales the smoke beside a smoker (AKA the 2nd-hand smoker) suffers as bad as or even worse than the smoker himself. I see some hands raised up saying you always smoke alone. Fine~ Please proceed to the next paragraph.

Smoking also causes diseases such as heart attack, emphysema, lung cancer, etc. So isn’t it also selfish to expose yourself to such danger and risk dying young when you have family and kids? Ok I now see legs raising up and you saying that “Will die means will die mah! Some people live so healthily also die!” That’s a crappy reason. If I take a knife to stab you, would you not avoid it and say “Will die means will die mah!” I do believe in fate, but we do everything we can to produce the outcome we desire. When we can do no more, that is when fate comes in place. We don’t sleep at home and hope money suddenly appears. Don’t study and expect to score well. So, not smoking MINIMISES the risk of various diseases.

For most smokers who tell me they smoke because of stress, read this: Smoking DOES NOT relieve stress.
For people who think they look cool. “………………………..”
I have friends who don't smoke in front of me or do not smoke directly in my faces. But read the previous paragraph and consider again.

Ps: i finished learning "Canon in C"!! YAY! choosing a jay chou's song to learn next. and err... since today’s post is about selFISHness, here’s a quote :x
“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime”

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