Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dragonball Evolution (The movie)

How weird is this? A Canadian actor whose name is going to be Goku?? And he’s gonna say the famous “ha me ha me ha”! I thought it would be something like “FIRE BALL GO!!” Either way, it’s freaking weird. I’m sure the actors get goosebumps calling each other’s names on the set.

“Hey Goku~”
“Wassup Bulma~”

Anyway, the movie’s villain is going to be the green monster, Piccolo so I’m expecting more sequels to come. Much as I expect this film to be a flop, I do hope it’s good cause I’m a Dragonball fan too~Watch trailer here :

Friday, January 2, 2009

Me, My Job and The White Tigress

I have pretty much settled down in my new job I found last September, thanks to the nice colleagues I have in and outside my department. When I was in NCC, I used to dread going to the Army. I was thinking “If NCC already so shitty liao, NS how??!! DIE LIAO LAH!!” But 2 years went quickly~ Then when I was working part time, I always had to countdown to the end of the semester break. Life seems so bleak if you are going to have a job for life. Imagine counting down~ “Ok….35 more years to retirement. WOOO!”

But one factor that wasn’t considered in both situations is friends. With friends, I think it makes the journey much much easier.

But hey! Life’s not going to be that nice to me~ There’s a white tigress I have to give my report to every month. And she never fails to make things difficult for me. It is like my supervisor described “鸡蛋里挑骨头”, picking bones from an egg~

Brooms and pails have been proved futile to kill the white tigress, evident by the attempt of the cleaner in Singapore Zoo. Suggestions, anyone??