Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One of Britain’s Youngest Father At *GASP* 13 YEARS OLD!!!

OH MY GOSH!! Look at his face!! A kid having a kid!! Kids nowadays are so full of surprises~ And it says in the article that boys can impregnate a girl between 9-13 years old!! I am sensing it won’t be long before I hear a 9 year old father is out. At 9, I probably thought swallowing the opposite sex’s saliva caused pregnancy!! Much to the influence of Stephen Chow’s movie~ And this little boy doesn’t even know what “financial” means!! It means “DO NOT HAVE SEX AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE” you twit!!

Extracts are taken from: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/ap/20090214/twl-eu-britain-father-at13-c8e2916.html

And more controversies at: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/177665/Richard-Goodsell-Im-the-real-daddy-Alfie-and-I-want-a-DNA-test-to-prove-it.html?
What’s the world turning into~~?